Ion Implantation and Other Applications of Ions and Electrons
You are cordially invited to participate in the XIII-th International Conference "Ion Implantation and Other Applications of Ions and Electrons", ION 2020. The conference will be held in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, from June 29 to July 2, 2020.
COVID-19 Situation: The restrictions imposed in many countries due to the developments of the COVID-19 epidemy force us to postpone the ION conference by one year.
The abstract submission system for updating and new submissions will be re-opened next spring.Mr. Janusz Filiks
Institute of Physics
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
M. Curie-Skłodowska Square 1
20-031 Lublin, Poland
Phone: +48 81 5376208 or +48 81 5376154
fax: +48 81 5376191